Devotees of Abhirami who exhibits thick locks of hair resembling dark clouds, shall get the following by the mere grace of the corners of Her eyes: Riches, education, tireless mind, divine form, relatives without malevolence and everything good. Abirami Anthathi is written and sung by Abirami pattar of Tirukadaiyur, Kumbakonam Dt., Tamilnadu. The song is composed of 100 individual slogans where each sloka has a specific value when said wholeheartedly to the Goddess. Ma Abirami hears all the prayers of her devotees and in return, she fulfills all their desires and blesses them with all prosperity, health and wealth in their life. A gist of Abirami slokas from Abirami Anthathi has been presented here with its meaning. One who reads it as many times as much will be much gifted by Goddess Abirami bless.